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Annyeonghaseyo. Welcome to my wonderland. Please be nice here . Do Follow me :)


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Template: Arysha
Basecodes : AtiQah
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new design

haha hari yg indah...indah ker...
hey liss aku dah tuka the templete yg ijau arytuh..wawawa....
oupss kowng lau nk copy entry...jngan tekan right click ukey...
nty ade warning keluar....huhu
nk copy ckp keyh
hope pe yg aku wat tu lawa ar..lau korng tak puas aty juz ckp n edit sndiri yer
aku un da tak taw nk ckp pe..lau korang nk tmbah wiget cm jam ke 
kalendar ke....tmbah je ar.....lau nk aku cari t aku wt mlm kang....
k ar liss jumpe sok ukey.....

written by:
hanna liss
